Street Walkers Project, Deptford, London, Print, DSLR, “Passing Shots”
The project was intended to capture something of the spirit of a place by showing the cardinal relationship to a place and its people. The ephemeral transience of the encounter and act of looking as bringing people into existence and reification via the camera eye.
The images below are taken at passing distance, that space which allows us a certain veil of retinal anonymity. At this distance we form in each others perception the archetype, an encounter of superficial interaction.
The images have been intentionally blurred so as to convey the blur or associations we convey upon people, the irony is that although we see people in focus they are only ever paradoxically a blur.
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Street Walkers Project, Deptford, London, Print, DSLR, “Mid shots”
At this distance the impression upon the mind and occipital lobe forms a picture still more so, this is the stage of human interest. What is interesting at this distance is the cognisance of the individual and the certain performativity of being seen. i.e. the way we allow ourselves to be given, to be seen.
It is more apparent that the subjects unwittingly or not have curated themselves at times out of necessity but in the main out of choice.
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Street Walkers Project, Deptford, London, Print, DSLR, “Mid shots”
The close up shots are the most intimate and convey a certain charm and beauty. The type of beauty whereby the expression of the individual is not contrived or heavily artificed but something closer to the natural.
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